Overview of the Department
The Department of English is one of the oldest and premier departments of the college started in 1962. It offers General English to all the streams and English literature as a core paper in B. A and M.A programmes. The Department focuses to promote Communication Skills and empower students with relevant skills set in the globalised context. Having been introduced in 1992-93, the PG English Department has completed its Silver Jubilee in 2018-19 and organized a Two Day National Conference on “Skillset through Education” along with the other PG Departments. It is affiliated to Krishna University and is shortly going to become autonomous. At present, the programme is run as per the guidelines of KRU.
Goals and Objectives
- To prepare students to function effectively in the social and other situations in which they may be called upon to use English.
- To expose learners to literatures from different parts of the world so that this in turn would serve as an introduction to varying cultural contexts.
- To introduce students to critical appreciation and train them in analytical skills.
- To motivate students towards Research.
- To equip learners for their present and future academic pursuits, to understand classroom lectures, improve reading skills, make references, participate in classroom discussions, make presentations and develop confidence and practice Soft Skills.
- To develop employability through Fluency in English.
- To cover all the periods of English Literature.
- To understand literary techniques and mode of comprehending a text.
- To emphasize the study of the English language- phonological, linguistic, and pedagogical.
- To take note of the current needs of the students and aim at the development of their communication skills.
Dr. Sr. G. Innyasamma
Ms. B. Santhi Sri
Ms. L.M.R. Swarupa Rani
Ms. Y. Supriya
Ms. T. Durga Mallika
Ms.Suswara Deepika
Overview of the Department
Since the inception of Maris Stella College the department of Telugu is a part of it. From 1962 to late 1980’s most of the students opted it for their language study. Even today Telugu is the most favourite course of many students. Being an autonomous college apart from the 80% curriculum prescribed by APSCHE the department of Telugu introducing 20% which creates more interest in subject to the students. In such a way the department prescribing the syllabus. The department is conducting various literary and cultural activities to build up confidence of a student in creative writing, in reading high standard works of literature and to present through dramas, seminars and mono actions by understanding the content properly.
- Gain command over the language.
- Bring awareness about the moral values and personality building.
- Encourage to pursue higher studies.
- Develop the ability of presentation skills.
- Bring awareness of Indian culture and heritage.
- Acquire higher education with high academic standards.
Dr. V. N. Manga Devi
Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao
Goals and Objectives
- भाषा पर अधिकार बढ़ाना|
- भारतीय संसृति और सभयता पर प्रकाश डालना |
- महात्माओं की जीवनियों के दव्रारा आत्मनिर्भरता , देशभक्ति आदि गुणों की महिमा का वर्णन
Ms. B. Karuna Harika
Overview of the Department
The Department of Sanskrit came into existence with the over whelming demand from the student community in the year 1984. Year by year the strength of students is growing with big number. Apart from the offered Regular Course the Department conducted one year spoken Sanskrit centre sponsored by UGC in the year of Sanskrit announced by Govt.of India. The Department organised 6 National Conferences and 1 International conference on Sri Jagannatha Vangmaya Vaibhavam, Trible Literature and Culture, Yogic Methods of Inquiry, Contribution of Andhrities in 60 years of Independent India, Contribution of Prof. Satyavrat Shastri the first jnanpeeth awardee in Sanskrit to sanskrit literature, Krishnadevaraya’s Contribution to Sanskrit Literature, Agamaas, Mana Telugu Tejam, sponsored by Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha-Tirupati, UGC, Indian Council of Philosophical Research-New Delhi, Sri Venkateswara Vedic University-Tirupati, A.P State Council of Higher Education, Sanskrit Academy-Hyderabad respectively. National Workshop and Exhibition on Sanskrit Epigraphy also organised in collaboration with Archaeological Survey of India (Epigraphy Department) Mysuru, and Department of Museums and Archaeology, Govt.of A.P.
Under CPE of UGC the Department designed diploma and Advanced diploma courses on Indian Indigenous Medicine and offered the same to the students.
The Department under autonomous system prescribing 20% of Curriculum Apart from the 80% of APSCHE which provides maturity to student by the study of Sanskrit.
Goals and Objectives
- To create interest in students for Higher Learning in Sanskrit.
- To give the real picture of Indian literature to students which provides an attitude for simple living and high thinking.
- To develop scientific approach in students through the study of Sanskrit Literature.
- To Provide simplified inputs to learn Sanskrit easily.
- To Made the students skilled in reading, writing and understanding of the selections prescribed.
- To encourage the students in participating various literary and cultural activities.
Dr. D. Ramakrishna
Program Register
The postgraduate Department of Bioinformatics was instituted in 2002. From 2005-2010 the programme was supported by the Innovative Programme of the UGC, and this enabled the Department to improve its infrastructure and engage in innovative methods of teaching and research.
The Master’s degree in Bioinformatics offers a strong multi-disciplinary acquaintance to develop computational methods that integrate technologies from science, statistics, and chemistry to handle and process biological data.
The Department has a well-established computer lab with a high-end server and computers with a 24×7 internet facility. Under the DST-FIST Grant-2017, the Department has procured the Schrodinger software, an inclusive platform to address the challenges in pharmaceutical research and to cater to the needs of teaching, research and industrial applications.
The Summer Internship is an integral part of the course at the end of the first year. Students intern in reputed institutions all over the country such as IGIB, RGCB, IBAB, NCBS and IISc. They are involved in the live projects of these Institutes and acquire hands-on experience in handling commercial software, as well as training in work ethics.
The Department organises International and National seminars, workshops and conferences on multitude areas of Computational Biology with the invited resource persons from reputed institutes across the country.
Adding to the accolades, our students have been selected for MS in Genomics at the University at Buffalo, University of Manchester, Leicester University, University of Cardiff, and Ph.D. in Environmental Bioinformatics, at Taichung University, Taiwan. Students have been placed in various industries like Fabgenics, CIBA-ICAR, Kyvor Genomics, Blackbuck Technologies and many more.
Dr. Mrs. G. Beulah Pearl Sunanda
Venugala Anjani Simha
Mrs. Nandavarapu Sailaja
Overview of the Department
- Maris Stella College is one of the first colleges to introduce Tourism and Travel Management, as an optional subject at the under graduate level in 1995.
- Since then the department has been steadily growing.
- Department of Tourism received Award for Excellence in 2010-11, from Government of Andhra Pradesh.
- We have very good collection of Tourism related books in the College library.
Many of the students who have passed out of the college with Tourism as an optional subject, made tourism as their career.
Goals of the Department:
- Strive for academic excellence.
- Promote a sense of responsibility and high ethical standards.
- Value team spirit and world view.
- Develop scientific attitude to management techniques and skills.
- Emphasize theory based education and advancement of practical training.
Objectives of the Department : The department of Tourism and Travel Management aims to make the students:
- Understand the nature, concept and scope of Tourism.
- Comprehend the history of growth of Tourism.
- Analyse and understand the role of different sectors of Tourism.
- Appraise the Tourism resources of India and their significance.
- Develop skills in Tourism management and marketing.
- Enable to summarize the relevance of Tourism Industry to the socio-economic development of the country.
- Analyse the impact of Tourism on regional and infrastructural development and maintenance of sustainable environment.
- Empower to create the marketing tools for the Tourism industry such as Tourist itinerary, brochures, Tourist maps etc.
- Provide practical orientation through organizing study tours and undergoing on-the-job training in the Travel related sectors.
Overview of the Department
The Department was established in 1962, to mould the students as outstanding and self – supporting individuals both socially and economically.
The department is promoting knowledge based and research oriented study courses offered are based on Intellectual excellence, Social responsibility & civic consciousness, Economic freedom, Moral commitment & Universal spirituality in search of the ultimate truth.
The department is providing qualitative environment to the student community enabling them to build their career and compete in the current oriented job market.
Goals and Objectives
- To mould the student as outstanding and self-supporting.
- To Motivate the individuals to think in an economic way.
To train the students to achieve
- Intellectual Excellence
- Social responsibility & Civic Consciousness
- Economic Freedom
- Moral Commitment and
- Universal spirituality in search of the ultimate truth.
Dr. K. Swaroop Kumar
Dr.Ms. Sathyavedam
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Overview of the Department
The department of Political Science is one of the oldest departments of the college. It was established in 1962, offering a paper to B.A students. It invite students to develop the analytical and critical skills necessary to understand the contemporary social and practical issues. The special emphasis is to Educate students by imparting values and knowledge to work with excellence in the society.
To develop better citizenship, inculcate civic sense and political consciousness among students to promote peace, unity, solidarity and integrity of the nation.
- To equip students with knowledge and understanding to achieve high academic standards.
- To help students to work for social justice and promote human dignity in society.
- To discover their potentials and channelize them to form integrated personalities.
- Sensitize them to appreciate and respect other faiths and help them to act responsibly in relation to themselves and others.
- Prepare students to face social realities and promote peace and unity of the nation.
Dr.V.Prasad Rao
P.Mrudula Sri
Overview of the Department
The department of Social Work in Maris Stella College was established in the year 1972. The Department is actively involved in providing evidence-based, quality oriented social work education through most advanced and emerging domains of practice, research and field interventions. It has also engaged itself in strengthening social work practice, research and field projects. Maris Stella’s BSW program is holistic and unique. It is both academic and experiential.
The Department runs its field action programmes to demonstrate the relevance of social work interventions in dealing with social issues and problems and also to strengthen its theoretical foundation. The program maintains a healthy balance between classroom sessions and field practice. Students are introduced to basic concepts in Social Work and the values and ethics integral to the Social Work profession. Students undertake observational visits to selected social service agencies and health care centers offering community services. The curriculum teaches various perspectives and diverse methods of Social Work, giving students the requisite theoretical foundation and professional skills to do Social Work
Goals and Objectives
S – Strong Theoretical Foundation on Subject
O – Organize Individuals, Groups and Communities
C – Competent, committed &creative social workers
I – Inculcate Values, Skills and Techniques
A – Alert Students to Face the Changing Scenario
L – Learn Unceasingly to Attain Professionalism
W – Work Hard to Achieve Excellent Results
O – Open to Adopt New Challenges
R – Regularize the Reading Habit to Get Knowledge
K – Know the Management of Learning for Life
To impart theoretical knowledge to students on social work subjects
To train qualified and professional social workers
To train students to deal with various social problems
To study and conduct research regarding social issues and situations
To co-ordinate and promote social work activities
To offer consultancy and assistance to the organizations
To improve the socio-economic conditions of the society
Sr. A. Sahaya Mary
Overview of the Department
Maris Stella College is proud to have a Journalism department that provides excellent academic and practical exposure to its students. Established in 2015, the department has grown steadily with many remarkable achievements.
The department has established itself as a platform for upcoming journalists, offering a curriculum that focuses on both print and electronic media fields. Through this programme, students develop their communication skills and prepare for successful careers in the media industry.
The department’s faculty members are highly qualified and experienced, providing students with personalised attention and guidance. Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including a comprehensive library.
Graduates from the Journalism department have gone on to achieve great success in their chosen fields, reflecting the effectiveness of the department’s curriculum and the quality of its instruction.
If you are passionate about journalism and aspire to make a career in the media industry, the Journalism department at Maris Stella College is the perfect place to begin your journey.
Goals and Objectives
- The Journalism department at our college aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to succeed as media professionals in today’s rapidly changing media landscape.
- Our curriculum focuses on developing students’ abilities to gather, analyse, and present news and information accurately, fairly, and ethically.
- We believe in the values of truth, accuracy, fairness, and objectivity in journalism as these are essential for building public trust in the media.
- To encourage critical thinking and a commitment to lifelong learning, our department emphasises the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the media industry and of constantly improving one’s skills and knowledge.
- To foster a sense of responsibility and accountability in our students, our department encourages students to recognise the impact that their work can have on society and to act in ways that promote the public good.