Overview of the Department
The department of Mathematics was started in our college way back in 1968 with the assistance of faculty member from Chennai. In 1969, Sr Susan, our former correspondent and provincial joined the department to continue the work. Since then the department has grown considerably and many dedicated lecturers of Mathematics have contributed their best to inculcate interest and teach Mathematics to the students.
Between 1969–90, several lecturers of Mathematics have joined the department and helped to develop it further. In 1969, Mrs. B. Koteswaramma joined the department and she served the department as Head from 1971 to 1998. In 1971, Mrs. Durga Subbayamma joined and worked till 1989. In 1976, Mrs. Leela Ratnam joined the department and she worked till 1990 and thereafter she went to Tirupathi to work in Padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam as her family is put up there.
In June 1990, Mrs.G.Usha Kumari joined the department and is contributing much to develop the department as the Head since 1998. Mrs. C.Krishnaveni joined the department in 1995 and Sr. Kulrekha Mudartha in 1998, in the department of Mathematics. In 2011, Sr. Asha has joined the department and the other members of the department include Mrs.S.Padmavathi, Mrs. Y. Sailaja Mrs.K.Tabitha, Ms. K. Bhanu Priya, Ms. V. Renuka.
Taking into consideration, the need of the students and the employment pattern, the college has introduced B.Sc. with computers & B.Sc. with Electronics in 1991. This combination has succeeded in drawing the attention of the student community and is being taught very successfully. The other achievement of the department is introducing B.Sc. Maths, statistics and computers in 2003. Since the beginning of the autonomy in 2003, an IDE namely Quantitative Aptitude has been introduced. We have also taught different elective subjects namely Operations Research, Topology, Special functions and Number Theory. Much effort is taken by Ms. C. Krishnaveni in framing the syllabus and model papers of these electives.
Sr.Rekha from the department has given the responsibility of examinations as the controller of examinations in the autonomous set up from 2007-09. She has taken up the charge of Principal form 2013. Mrs. G. Usha has taken up the administrative responsibility by working as Vice Principal for Intermediate Section during 2008 –11.
Goals and Objectives
- Overall development of Student’s personality to attain excellence.
- To set and achieve high academic standards in an atmosphere of autonomy.
- To prepare young women to continually search for truth and to grow into
- mature and responsible persons, ready to face the challenges of life at home and in the society.
- To enable the Students to think independently in a creative and fearless manner.

Dr. Sr. Jasintha Quadras
Ms. G. Usha Kumari
Dr. Sr. Kulrekha Mudartha
Dr. C. Krishnaveni
Ms. V. Sudha Devi
Ms. S. Padmavathi
Sr. S. Asha
Ms. K. Tabitha
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Overview of the Department
Taking into consideration, the need of the students and the employment pattern, the college has introduced B.Sc. with Maths, statistics and computers in 2003. This combination has succeeded in drawing the attention of the student community and is being taught very successfully. Since the beginning of autonomy in 2003, an IDE namely Comprehensive Statistical methods has been taught. We have also taught different elective subjects namely Operations Research, Actuarial Statistics, Time Series Analysis and Demography and Vital Statistics.
Mrs. D. V. Saraja has taken up the administrative responsibility by working as an additional controller of Examinations during 2017 -2020.
Goal of the department
To mould the students in order to compete with global Statistical needs and to place them technically on par with the present competitive world.
Objectives of the department
- To develop enthusiasm towards Statistics in students.
- To develop understanding in applications of Statistics.
- To describe Statistical methods and their impact in solving real life problems.
- To enable the students to apply different Statistical methods in practice.
- To make the scientific process efficient with the help of different Statistical applications.
Ms. D. Vedavathi Saraja
Ms. M. Parveen Syed
Overview of the Department
The department of Physics was established in the year 1962. The Department defines its mission in the context of academic excellence, and scientific integrity. As Physics is a bridge between technology and society, the department’s primary responsibility is to bring an understanding of basics of Physics and prepare undergraduate students for career in Physics and assume leadership roles in an increasingly scientific and technological world. The Department of Physics makes student learning its central focus and encourages faculty members to pursue M.Phil and Ph.D, undertaking research projects, participating and presenting papers in International and National seminars, undergoing various faculty enrichment programs etc. The department adopts technology enhanced teaching and learning and help students to develop better insight, and conceptual models of physical phenomena.
The department grabs all opportunities to enhance skills of students by arranging internships at Efftronics System Private Limited, short term training programmes at MHRD instituted ‘SIEMEN’s Skill Development Centre’ at Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering & Technology approved by the Govt. of AP and short term certificate courses for 30 hours conducted by ECE department of Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada.
The departments of Physics inaugurated the Physics INSPIRE CLUB on 6th November,2014. Inspire club provides opportunities in a great way to build skills including leadership, teamwork, communication and learners could showcase talents in a brilliant way. The department organizes many students centric events, educational tours and inter- collegiate competitions. Students from intermediate, UG and PG sections of various colleges participate in it. Getting involved in club activities can increase peer network, which in turn, increases exposure and learning in academic and social environments.
Enhance passion for learning physics with the incorporation of technology-Enabled Active Teaching and Learning approach and providing knowledge needed for success in graduation, or begin their career or to enter post graduation.
Learning objectives
- To nurture the talents of students
- To sharpen up presentation skills and communication skills through assignments and oral paper presentations
- To develop problems-solving skills.
- To develop competence in physics laboratory and have a working knowledge of basic experiments and the ability to work independently.
- To organize a regular series of activities on a wide range of physics topics involving students and arranging guest lectures on subject related as well as on latest trends in physics.
- To impart students research oriented skills through mini research projects during final year of their graduation
- To promote team spirit and organizational skills in executing planned activities of the department on a wide range of physics topics
- To motivate students to learn additional skill based courses.
- To encourage students to become aware of latest leading job opportunities.
- To sensitize students to become aware of environmental, ethical and contemporary issues
Outcome of the learning
Students graduating with Physics as one of the major will be
- gaining a working knowledge of fundamental concepts in the basic areas of physics
- able to understand how to perform modern literary searches to locate and retrieve scientific information
- able to think creatively about scientific problems and their solutions
- able to collaborate with peers to solve physics problems or laboratory experiments
- able to apply knowledge from one or more areas of Physics to make appropriate intellectual connections or solve problems in another area of Physics
- able to read, present and discuss information found in current research or scientific journals through assignments
- familiar with important historical experiments and their revelations about the understanding of the universe
- able to pursue career objectives in under- graduation or in a professional life.
A student, thus graduating from Maris Stella College with Physics as one of the major in under graduation will have been exposed to a wide range of principles in different branches of physics and get ready for post graduation study or take up immediate job.
Dr. G. Little Flower
Ms. P. Padmalatha
Ms.Sara Kumari
Pothula Jayaprada
Overview of the Department
The Department of Electronics was established in the year 1991. From the inception Mathematics, Physics and Electronics was offered as the combination. Since 2007-08 Mathematics and Electronics are offered in combination with Computer Science. This course was intended to produce students competent in theory, design and applications which has a good market value and considered as the latest trend of the job market.
Strive to mould young women competent with technical knowledge in Electronics and contribute to the nation’s development.
- To impart theoretical knowledge along with skill orientation.
- To enhance understanding through practicals and hands on practice.
- To develop technical skills needed for higher progression.
- To promote scientific thinking.
- To become creative and innovative.
Ms. K. Hannah Anuhya
- Overview of the Department:
The Department of computer science was established in the year 1990. The goal of the department is to prepare students to become thoughtful, productive members of the computing profession and community.
Computer science courses come in combination with other groups. They are MPCs, MSCs, MECs, and MCCs. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it gives both basic foundations as well as covers the latest technologies to the student.
The course follows APSCHE structure and UGC syllabus. Every three years the syllabus is revised with the latest technologies. The laboratories are equipped with the software and the hardware configuration required for the student to perform lab practical.
Computer Science curriculum incorporates subjects like programming in C/C++, Python, java & PHP, Database management Systems, Operating System, Data Structures, Internet Technologies, Software Engineering and Big Data technologies.
Goals and Objectives:
- Student should acquire adequate competency in theory, systems, and applications, the three main areas of the computer science curriculum
- Exposure to expertise through workshops so as to get equipped with all the knowledge that is required to grow as a confident individual who can face the real world challenge
- Build problem solving skills in students through internships and projects. So, that they can formalize general problem statements into precise algorithmic solutions.
- Train up the faculty to enhance their knowledge and skills, to facilitate the student in all the ways.
- To upgrade the knowledge of both students and teachers so as to understand the market trends and latest technologies.
- To share the knowledge and contribute to the welfare of the society.
- To attract more students to join the Computer Curriculum.

Ms. P. Vidhyavathi
Ms. E. Grace Lydia
Ms. P. Malathi
Rev.Sr. Sujitha Sudar Vizhi
1. Student learning goals
Goal 1: To profusely train the students who are proficient enough in Chemistry.
Chemistry students will demonstrate mastery of chemistry concepts by various means to meet minimum proficiency standards.
Students will do undergraduate research (mini project) under the direction of faculty mentor.
Goal 2: To guide and lead the students in acquiring basic and advanced knowledge of chemistry to aspire job and pursue higher education.
Students will acquire theoretical knowledge required by various chemical industries through the course curriculum (especially elective papers).
Technical emphasis will promote them to enter the work space through practical sessions and certificate course programme.
Goal 3: To transform the students socially responsible, morally strong and face the real life situations.
Students will recognize their social responsibilities by participating in public awareness programmes taken up by the department.
Students will enrich their moral values through value education classes and good practices adopted in the campus.
Students will transform themselves to face real life hurdles through mentoring and counseling.
2.Faculty goals
Goal 1: Faculty will support and recognize continuous improvement in teaching &learning.
Strive for more reachable and innovative teaching and learning methods beneficial to students.
Help to uplift the slow learners.
Invite eminent resource persons recognized for teaching excellence to seminars/guest lecture/workshops to impart high end knowledge to the students.
Provide the support necessary for new faculty to establish themselves in successful careers.
Goal 2: Faculty will always strive for excellence.
Increase the number of student and faculty participation at connferences/workshops/seminars etc.
Increase the likelihood that the research work done in the department will result in publications.
Ready to undergo training to enhance knowledge.
Goal 3: Faculty will serve the college and society at large.
Serve the college through various committee representations by department faculty.
Serve the society through various reach out programmes outside the department.
3.Programme goals
Goal 1: Promote and develop excellence in chemistry teaching.
Support the use of best practices in teaching chemistry including practicals.
Motivate students towards higher education in chemistry.
Goal 2: Promote and develop research attitude in chemistry.
Provide opportunity to do mini project as a part of their UG course.
To fetch funding for research both within the college and external sources.
Provide subject as well as job enrichment opportunities.
Goal 3: Promote and develop job oriented skills and knowledge.
Increase the job opportunities at UG level itself through need based certificate course and elective papers.
Dr. S. Vanilatha
Ms. V. Javali
Ms. D. Santha Kumari
Overview of the Department
The Department of Biotechnology was established in the year 2008. This course was intended to produce students competent in theory, design and applications which has a good market value and considered as the latest trend of the job market The Department defines its mission in the context of academic excellence, and scientific integrity. As Biotechnology is a bridge between technology and society, the department’s primary responsibility is to bring an understanding of basics of Biotechnology and prepare undergraduate students for career in Biotechnology and assume leadership roles in an increasingly scientific and technological world. The department adopts technology enhanced teaching and learning and help students to develop better insight. Department provides opportunities in a great way to build skills including leadership, teamwork, communication.
Our Goal is to produce competent Biotechnologists who can employ premium processes and applications which will profoundly influence the existing paradigm of Agriculture, Industry, Healthcare and restoration of environment providing sustainable competitive edge to present society.
To provide a Biotechnology educational program with the impetus to generate quality workforce.
To instil spirit of innovation and creativity in young minds with sound research aptitude.
Provide a regulatory and institutional framework for Biotechnology development and applications.
To create awareness about potentials of Biotechnology with socio – ethical implications.
Dr. Kishore babu Merakanapalli
Dr.Anila Rani P
Overview of the Department
The Department of Food Science and Technology was established in the year 2017.
The Department is providing practical and theoretical training on the conversion of the raw agricultural products in to processed food products.
Goals and Objectives
- To provide training on the processed, packaged, shelf stable food products and intermediate raw materials.
- To promote the establishment and maintenance, assurance of food quality.
- To improve students understanding in different aspects of handling, processing and quality control.
- To inculcate the skills and capacity to participate actively in the process of transformation of the food industries in the new millennium.
- To train students about the importance of nutrition in our life.
- To prepare students as a nutritionists, dietitians and food safety officers.
Kasarabada SaiKalyani
Parnam Bhavani
1. To train students for Service to Oregon’s citizens, government agencies and require expert advice about microorganisms and the roles they play in our health, economy, and sustainability of our natural resources.
2. To equip fundamental research training for undergraduate, students who will become future leaders in science, medicine, and industries.
1. Provide a compelling and relevant microbiology curriculum that will train students at a high standard of scientific literacy and impart appropriate skill Sets.
2. To impart knowledge of the basic principles of -Bacteriology,virology,Mycology,Immunology and Parasitology including the nature of pathogenic microorganisms,pathogenesis,laboratory diagnosis,transmission,prevention and control of human and plant diseases common in the country.
Dr. I. Mani Deepa
Exploring Molecules of Life
Overview of the Department
Department of Biochemistry in Maris Stella College (Autonomous) was established in 2020 under the affiliation of Krishna University, Machilipatnam.
This Department was started with an Undergraduate course in Combination with Food Science & Technology and Microbiology. Along with the academic curriculum, the department provides a research environment to its students. Following the tradition, a great emphasis is given on understanding and Learning the Biochemical structures of Biomolecules that make up Biochemistry. To expose our students to Hands-on experience on Instrumentation and practical skill learning.
Faculty with expertise and experience is a boon to the department. The faculty published 13 research papers in international journals of repute. Faculty has contributed a chapter in Springer Briefs.
Faculty has been Invited for National and International Conferences as a invited speaker, Plenary speaker and Key note speaker in their field of expertise. They are recognized as peer-reviewers and Editorial Board members for National and International Journals of repute.
The secret of success of this department lies in the academic environment and close ties between teacher and students and makes Teaching/Learning an enjoyable experience.
Goals and Objectives
The primary Goals and objectives are-.
- To give students a solid foundation in biological chemistry and the molecular basis of life.
- To develop analytical and critical-thinking skills that allow independent exploration of biological phenomena through the scientific method
- To expose our students with the latest concepts and understandings in biochemistry
- To expose our students to Hands-on experience on Instrumentation and practical skill learning.
- To introduce students to modern methods of biochemical experimentation
- To explore their research interests and guide them accordingly.
As a student of biochemistry, the field of study is about life and the physics and chemical principles that make it possible. We can conduct basic research to understand how life works. We can also study the physiological as well as the genetic basis of disease, or how viruses and microorganisms cause sickness and death.
We will be valued as an applied scientist in the biochemistry, biotechnology and
Molecular Biology, pharmaceutical industries, as a policymaker and advisor in government, and as a teacher or researcher in academia.
To achieve the above goals an undergraduate program has crafted a curriculum with course papers semester-wise to inculcate amiability towards Learning and practical skills in students and promoting their research interests through proper guidance.
What is Biochemistry?
Biochemistry is the foundation of all the sciences concerned with the processes of life in health or their disruption in disease, including physiology, neurobiology, immunology and genetics. As a student of biochemistry, we study the complex molecules of which cells are constructed. If you want to understand how life is possible, how carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphate and a few metals combine to create simple microorganisms as well as complex organisms like ourselves, Biochemistry is the answer.
As part of Biochemistry we study : –
- The myriad of biomolecules and the respective biochemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes and many other regulatory biomolecules.
- The chemical reactions that provide the cell with energy.
- The proteins, carbohydrates and lipids that orchestrate cellular reproduction.
- The biomolecules of nucleic acids that has blueprint of life processes.
- that allow to synthesize protein of interest, the way the cells communicate with each other.
- The chemical and genetic basis for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s that disrupt the ability of brain cells to function and to cooperate.
- The way our immune systems defends at the times of small infection to severe conditions of epidemics and
- Genetic Engineering which enables us to tailor genes which is used for gene therapy to overcome diseases like sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis etc.
As a student of biochemistry, the field of study is about life and the physics and chemical principles that make it possible. We can conduct basic research to understand how life works. We can also study the physiological as well as genetic basis of disease, or how viruses and microorganisms cause sickness and death.
We will be valued as an applied scientist in the biochemistry, biotechnology and Molecular Biology. pharmaceutical industries, as a policy maker and advisor in government and as a teacher or researcher in academia.
Scope of Biochemistry in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Scenario
The current Covid-19 pandemic situation has forced the governments, industries and research organizations all over the world to review their efforts in the health care sectors and come out with plans to make themselves future-ready to face any type of pandemic outbreak.
The students who are going to pursue their graduation and post-graduation courses, a BSc and MSc degree in Biochemistry can look forward for below opportunities –
- The student will have immense opportunity in not only getting great jobs in private and government health sectors but also in research and development section to generate vaccine and test kit development.
- Coupled with training in subjects like Clinical Biochemistry, Enzymology, Molecular Biology, Genetics ,Immunology or microbiology etc. a student can pursue career in Vaccines.
- Coupled with the training in in-silico analysis of different databases like epitope mapping, etc., the student can pursue career in Bioinformatics, which has an immense importance in current vaccine designing approach called Vaccinomics.
- As the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, the pharmaceutical industry especially the drug discovery sector is going to face a big challenge which in turn will need a huge number of young professionals. After the discovery of the corona drug/vaccine, it needs to reproduce on a huge scale to meet the demand of the worldwide market, not only the R&D sector but also the quality control and quality assessment sector need to recruit lots of industry-ready fresh biochemists.
Young people with knowledge in biochemistry will certainly hold an advantage at this time. Drug discovery studies nowadays need strong background knowledge of bio-molecular interactions, the structure of target proteins which can be easily acquired through undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in biochemistry
Dr. K. Krishna Manohar
Dr. R. Gangaraju
Overview of the Department
The Department of Botany was established in the year 1962 with Smt. Rama Manoher, a dynamic personality as first member as the faculty. Many great personalities served the department. T. Nirmala Devi, Sr. Antonia, Mrs. P. Sheela Praba, Mrs. Kamala Kumari, Dr. J. Asha Kumari and Mrs CVL Karuna were some of the retired staff members. Presently, three members serving in this department. The department is flourishing with three well equipped laboratories (One for under graduate courses and the other for Intermediate course apart from these two, a plant tissue culture laboratory is also there) a well collected museum, a departmental library with good number of books and two botanical gardens (Medicinal and horticultural). All the faculty members are well qualified, trained and attended various webinars, seminars, workshops and symposia.
Goals and Objectives
- Motivate students towards skill-based courses using their potentiality to their best and to develop recently realized skills through projects.
- To create environmental awareness to make them eco-friendly.
- To guide and encourage students to get good placements.
Kiranmai Tamma
Mamidi Sushma
Overview of the Department
The department of zoology is a reputed oldest department with highly qualified staff for girls in Vijayawada city. Department organizes guest lectures,seminars,work shops and certificate courses every year. The students of I,II,III degree who aspire to study animal biology can benefit from the Bachelor of Science in Zoology.The 3 year degree imparts education on the diversity of animal life, development and physiological functions as well as their genetic structure.Students who pursue this course can pursue career paths in the fields of Animal Biotechnology,Biochemistry,Animal husbandry and clinical science-Medical lab technology as cluster electives in their final year.
To achieve high academic standards with quality and skill based technical teaching.
To introduce the basic principles of Non Chordates and Chordates, different strata of taxonomy, classification based on specific characters and the phyla.The core courses like Genetics,Embryology,Physiology,Ecology,Cell biology,Animal biotechnology,Animal husbandry and general and cluster electives- Immunology and Clinical science lab technology.Skill enhanced Certificate courses and Hands on training in Vermitechnology and Ornamental fish culture
Course outcomes:
1.Students can easily understand the phylogeny of life, connecting link between different phyla and appreciate the diversity of fauna.
2.They learn the general characters of each phylum and their classification and identify animals by using different taxonomical keys.
3.Students get the essentials of each course and their functioning.
The students will have knowledge on applied and skill oriented courses.
Dr. Sr. P. Japamalai
Dr. N. Bharatha Jyothi
Dr. Ramani
About the department:
Agriculture and Rural Development sciences that are life-enhancing, socially sensitive, environmentally responsible and economically beneficial in the current and emerging scenario of socio-economic-climatic-technological changes in India and globe. The vision statement is paraphrased as follows.
- Leading-edge education with life-enhancing programmes will produce graduates, who will be adaptable humane citizens and innovative, contributing and motivated force to serve the state and the nation by advancing, sharing and applying knowledge and skill.
- Sustainable development of green, blue and white revolution in the state.
- In the context of the emerging scenario of socio-economic-climatic-technological changes in India and globe, the technology will be socially sensitive, environmentally responsible, and economically beneficial.
- To meet the local problems and diversity in socio-economic ethnicity, the programme and policies will be prioritised with special drive on backward areas and the tribal agriculture.
- To improve the share of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh economy, it will provide leadership in sharpening the competitive edge of the state agriculture through a package of appropriate strategies, public policies and programmes, technology services and investment support.
MISSION : Activities accelerating upward trajectory of the Maris Stella College
Maris Stella College have aspiration to greatly improve college activities producing skilled human resources including high caliber graduates with knowledge and expertise, develop relevant technology and provide appropriate services to the farming community, the pathway of which has to run through the plan characterised by desire to consolidate our strengths, to integrate further our research, educational and extension activities, to optimise our infrastructure and accelerate our success. The activities are to be built up together by the staff and students in every part of the Maris Stella College to ensure continuance of the journey with great vigour, centering around the original commitment.
Enhance environmental quality and natural resources. Use non-renewable resources more efficiently. Take better advantage of on-farm resources. Employ natural and biological controls for pests and disease.
- To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in agricultural science and technology and to solve the environmental problems to make human living more comfortable.
• To meet the need of agricultural manpower for social, professional and economic development through teaching, research, practical training and extension education.
• To promote learning in an environment conductive to free -thinking and innovation to cultivate the skills, attitudes and habits of life-long learning, so as to be well prepared to adapt to a rapidly evolving society
• To cater the need for knowledge workers in our rural society and focus on lifetime employability rather than lifetime employment.
Dr. P. Lakshmana Swamy
Mr. A . Chennaiah
Ms. M.Priyanka
P. Suma Gracia
M. Blessy Olive
M. Sony Priyanka
Mr. K. Manoj Kumar Reddy
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