Every student is encouraged to make the most of every opportunity given to her to develop and grow into the best person she can possibly be. Maris Stella College expects each student to uphold the ideals and values of the institution, not only during her student days but also throughout her life. The spirit of Maris Stella is one of truth, compassion, service and devotion to God and one’s country. It is for each Stellite to imbibe this spirit and demonstrate it in all her actions.

Truth and Charity is the hallmark of a true Stellite and should be reflected in her character, relationships and interactions, both within the college community and in society at large. A Stellite should be sensitive, courteous, caring and compassionate and uphold the virtues of honesty, respect for elders and kindness towards all. Every Stellite should apply herself to regular, systematic and focused study. Such sustained efforts will ensure that she achieves a high level of academic excellence and overall development.

Admission into the College mandates that students abide by the rules and regulations of the College. The decision of the Principal shall be final in all matters regarding rules and regulations and the enforcement of discipline.

Extra-curricular activities are an essential part of the Whole Person Education offered by the College.

Social Responsibility & Citizenship

  1. NSS
  2. NCC
  3. STARS (Stellites to Awaken and Reach out to Society)

Physical Fitness

  1. Sports/Games
  2. Yoga
  3. Martial Arts
  4. Dance

Fine Arts

  1. Dance
  2. Music
  3. Painting and Maggam Work


  • All the first year students should enroll in one of the Extra-Curricular Activities.
  • Students opting for NCC will continue in the same activity for three years.
  • Students opting for NSS / STARS will be required to pursue these activities for a minimum of two years.
  • Students choosing an option under Physical Fitness can continue the same activity in the 2nd year or can choose another activity from the options given.
  • Minimum of 50%attendance is required for these activities.

Students joining these groups will be trained in group singing and group dancing, awakening in them an appreciation of the vast cultural heritage of our country.

Competitions in dance, singing, drama, debate, essay writing, rangoli, etc. are held during Cultural Week and prizes are awarded on College Day


This activity is intended to develop the writing and speaking skills of students   both in English and Telugu, preparing them for careers in fields such as journalism.


Community Service Project is an experiential learning strategy that integrates meaningful Community service with instruction, participation, learning and community development. It involves students in community development and service activities and applies the experience to personal and academic development.

Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service enables them to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most.

The main objective of the community service project is to develop skills used at workspace such as Teamwork, Professionalism, Communication skills, Managerial Skills, Time management skills, Leadership skills and make students socially responsible citizens who are sensitive to the needs of the disadvantaged sections.


  • To develop life skills and knowledge
  • To develop a sense of social responsibility and a heart for giving back to the needy
  • To develop interpersonal relationships and ability to work well with others
  • To build leadership