The Correspondent /Secretary

  1. Is the Administrative Director of works in the college and has to be familiar with all GOs issued by the Government from time to time.
  2. Represents the institution in all matters of correspondence, administrative, financial and legal issues with the University and Government officials.
  3. Plays a supportive role to the academic community headed by the Principal and
  4. complements the work with her help and encouragement.
  5. Keeps in touch with the educational authorities and seeks speedy solution for administrative challenges.
  6. Mobilizes funds from different sources for the development of college.
  7. Ensures the maintenance and safety of property, both movable and immovable of the institution and provide facilities for smooth functioning of the departments.
  8. Submits the annual budget and audited statement of accounts to the Governing Body.
  9. Submits monthly financial bills and statements.
  10. Serves as a member in important policy-making committees of the college.
  11. Has the following administrative functions in consultation with the Principal:         
  • Appointment and promotion of staff both teaching and non-teaching
  • Appointment of management staff
  • Approval of the probationary period of the staff and confirmation of their appointment
  • Disciplinary action against staff
  • Maintenance of service registers of staff
  • Salary of staff and sanction of increment
  • Provident fund, Admission, Loan, Recovery of loan and closure, Income Tax
  • All kinds of leave, except casual leave, to the

The Principal

  1. Is the Academic Director of works in the college and is the executive authority of the college.
  2. Heads the Institution.
  3. Responsible for the smooth and qualitative functioning of the institution.
  4. Plans, executes and monitors entire academic domain and parameters: Day to day administration of the college, drawing-up academic calendar, timetables and curriculum.
  5. Takes care of admissions of students as per norms of the affiliating University/AICTE.
  6. Responsible for discipline among staff and
  7. Ensures that the institution runs as per the guidelines of the bodies authorized/
  8. Supervises teaching- learning and evaluation systems.
  9. Plans and encourages research, innovations, consultancy and extension activities and provides the required conducive
  10. Heads all the committees and coordinates She is the President of all associations in the college.
  11. Plans the annual schedule and sees that diary of the institution is executed efficiently and
  12. Promotes quality in all aspects of the
  13. Takes care of placement and student support programmes.
  14. Responsible for the code of conduct and ethics, physical education, sports, student clubs, co-curricular and extra-curricular
  15. Plans and executes the organization of state, national, international symposia, workshops, seminars and conferences in consultation with the departments
  16. Provides an atmosphere for the intellectual pursuit of the staff and students.
  17. Plays a vital role in motivating and inspiring the academic community towards excellence.
  1. Allots work to the teaching and non-teaching staff in consultation with the Correspondent.
  2. Administers scholarships and freeships and help the deserved students.
  3. Monitors office administration, collection of data and submission of required data to the officials concerned as and when required.
  4. Conducts General Staff, Heads of the Departments, Departmental, Committees and IQAC meetings periodically or as and when necessary.
  5. Takes care of the registers and records as per the norms of the university and other higher    bodies.
  6. Ensures smooth conduct of tests and examinations as the chief controller of examinations.
  7. Maintains a healthy rapport with alumnae.
  8. Promotes linkages, MoUs with other organizations, bodies, industry and signs contracts.
  9. Attends meetings called for by the authorities of higher education department on behalf of the institution.
  10. In charge of the UGC work, Autonomy work and the college Hostel.
  11. Represents the college in all academic institutions like the UGC, the APSCHE, the    University, the AIACHE, the Xavier Board etc.
  12. Supervises all academic programmes of the college and keeps the Correspondent     informs all matters of general and financial administration.



  1. Co-ordinate with the Deans and the HoDs to ensure smooth implementation of  the academic calendar.
  2. In charge of the day to day running of the institution and report  to the Principal.
  3. Monitor attendance and regularity of staff and students.
  4. Responsible for the effective functioning of all committees, cells and curricular as well as     extra-curricular activities.
  5. Ensure participation of the college community in all aspects of campus life.
  6. Visits exam halls during internal and semester end examinations.
  7. Maintains the general discipline especially during celebrations on campus.
  8. Ensures organization of remedial and mentoring classes as per the schedule.

The Controller of Examinations

  1. In charge of the planning and scheduling of all examination-related matters in consultation with the Principal, the Chief Controller of Examinations.
  2. Gets a copy of the syllabus and model question paper along with the blueprint from the  departments.
  3. Prepares a database of eligible examiners.
  4. Calls for question papers, typesets and get them printed.
  5. Plans the days of the continuous assessment and semester end examinations, the room  allotments, the sessions and invigilation lists.
  6. Collects the consolidated internal valuation marks from the departments.
  7. Organizes external centralized valuation of the semester end examination.
  8. Prepares an overview of the results for the Results Committee.
  9. Readies the statement of marks for distribution.
  10. Addresses the grievances of staff and students related to the examinations.
  11. Presents the final tabulated results to the University for issuing of degree.
  12. Prepares the annual budget of the Examination Section and presents  it before the Finance Committee for approval.

Dean of Academic Affairs

  1. Appointed by the Management Committee for a period of two years, which may be extended for one more year.
  2. Co-ordinate academic programmes of the college, in keeping with its vision and mission.
  3. Oversee the planning and restructuring of the curriculum every three / five years in consultation with the Principal, senior faculty members, and the IQAC.
  4. Are members of the College Staff Council.
  5. Update the guidelines for the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) whenever changes are recommended and validated by the relevant committees / statutory bodies.
  6. Organize and conduct orientation programmes regarding the curriculum and objectives of the CBCS for the first year students.
  7. Coordinate student registration for minors and elective courses and forward the finalized list to the Controller of Examinations.
  8. Update and maintain records of student withdrawals from courses.
  9. Prepare all necessary documents for Academic Council Meetings and subsequently carry out the recommendations made by the Council.
  10. Provide information related to academic affairs for discussions at the Governing Body meetings.
  11. Assist in the preparation of students’ timetable.
  12. Organize and conduct Class Committee Meetings in collaboration with the Vice-Principals and submit the report to the Principal for review.
  13. Scrutinize attendance particulars of students for the semester end examinations, prepare the list of students who meet attendance requirements and forward it to the Controller of Examinations for issue of hall tickets.
  14. Take decisions regarding condoning shortage of attendance in keeping with college and university regulations. However, the decision of the Principal is final in all matters concerning attendance.
  15. Maintain a record of students who have not been condoned.

Deans of Student Affairs

  1. Appointed by the Management Committee for a period of two years, which may be extended for one more year.
  2. Coordinate the activities of the Students’ Council in consultation with the Principal, the Vice-Principal and the Supervisor in charge of maintenance.
  3. Organize orientation programme for the newly elected office-bearers of the Students’ Council at the beginning of every academic year.
  4. Guide and monitor students’ club activities, inter-year competitions and inter-collegiate events.
  5. Organize fund raising programmes in collaboration with the Council for college development.
  6. Help in organizing, with the council, the following: Workers’ Day, Teachers’ Day Administrative Staff Day, Foundation Day, and College Anniversary.
  7. Organize Student Welfare activities such as: Disbursing scholarships, financial aid, food tokens for mid-day meals scheme, stationery for needy students, Student Council General Orientation programmes, Induction programme and medical inspection for fresh UG students.
  8. Help in the distribution of College Handbooks at the beginning of each academic year.
  9. Organize Prize Distribution on the College Day.
  10. Facilitate the conduct of Student Council meetings.
  11. Help in student counselling.
  12. Organize with the Council, awareness programmes on campus.
  13. Organize the Annual Valedictory Function for III-year UG and II- year PG students.

The Dean of Planning & Communication

  1. Appointed by the Management Committee for a period of three years.
  2. Acts as the coordinator for Planning and Evaluation Committee.
  3. Serves as a member in important policy-making committees of the college.
  4. Helps the Principal and the IQAC Coordinator in planning quality enhancing measures for the growth and development of the college.
  5. Formulates all communication on behalf of the college.
  6. Helps create the right environment for academic, cultural, social and service oriented activities for the benefit of students as well as for the community.

The Dean of Administration

  1. In coordination with the Office Superintendent, is responsible for the preservation of all the records of the Management such as correspondence from government authorities / UGC regarding administrative matters, the cash books (jointly with the Bursar), attendance registers, acquaintance rolls, leave accounts, legal issues, recruitment etc.
  2. Supervises the collection of fees and posting in the register by the Bursar.
  3. Supervises the maintenance of the cash register and its regular updation for scrutiny and audit.
  4. Prepares the monthly pay bills of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution.
  5. Maintains the leave accounts of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution and submit them to the head of the institution.
  6. Updates the service registers.
  7. Guides and assists the Principal in the operation of funds received from government agencies and ensures that this money is spent strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations.
  8. Helps the Principal in answering the objections / queries of audit parties and maintains a record of the same.
  9. Distributes work to the office assistants and holds them accountable for the timely discharge of assigned work.
  10. Is accountable to the Principal and the correspondent.

The Bursar

  1. Responsible for the collection of fees and posting in the register.
  2. Disburses funds for all requirements.
  3. Makes all purchases for the institution.
  4. Maintains the cash books and updates it for scrutiny and audit.
  5. Prepares the annual budget for presentation before the Finance committee.

The IQAC Coordinator

  1. Responsible for all quality matters in the institution.
  2. Initiates and coordinates curriculum revision regularly.
  3. Coordinates in reviewing existing courses / programmes and, restructure, redesign and prescribe own courses / programmes of study and syllabi.
  4. Coordinates in formulating new courses / programmes within the nomenclature specified by the UGC.
  5. Initiates, plans and supervises various activities that are necessary to improve the quality of the education imparted in the institution.
  6. Coordinates the dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.
  7. Plans and facilitates internal and external audit every academic year.
  8. Coordinates the documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.
  9. Coordinates the quality-related activities of the institution.
  10. Coordinates in preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
  11. Coordinates the timely and efficient execution of the decisions of the IQAC.
  12. Coordinates FDPs, PDPs, MDPs, workshops, seminars, conferences etc. on quality-related themes and promotes quality circles.

Heads of the Departments

  1. Responsible for efficient functioning of the Department with reference to its goals and conduct of the department in a professional manner.
  2. Develop and schedule activities of the department for the academic year and prepare the departmental calendar.
  3. Ensure judicious class allocation to the faculty members.
  4. Ensure that all faculty members complete their roles and responsibilities in a timely manner.
  5. Ensure leave management of teaching and non-teaching staff of the department in such a way that no prescribed class hours are lost.
  6. Ensure a harmonious working environment to nurture a healthy academic community and assist in resolving differences.
  7. Periodic independent review of faculty performance individually and suggest remedial tips.
  8. Initiate opportunities and avenues for developing faculty knowledge and capability.
  9. Identify and arrange guest lectures for different areas within the discipline in consultation with the faculty of the department.
  10. Encourage faculty to adopt student centric strategies of teaching, maximize the use ICT in teaching and optimize the use of smart classrooms.
  11. Encourage regular academic discussions for subject exposure among the faculty in and outside the department to facilitate knowledge sharing and updating.
  12. Maintain required academic records in hard and softcopies and update them.
  13. Convene regular faculty meetings to assess and review the progress of planned activities and maintain a record of the minutes of the meetings.
  14. Ensure timely consolidation and submission of internal assessment marks.
  15. Comply with reporting requirements and submissions as may be specified.
  16. Develop proposals for improved teaching methods, curriculum enhancement, new academic programmes of practical significance.
  17. Promote research and quality publications.
  18. Convene BoS meetings as per the regulations.
  19. Work in coordination with the Vice-Principals and the Deans for the smooth running of the institution.
  20. Assist the Principal during admission of students.
  21. Ensure proper conduct of practicals and maintenance of equipment and material.
  22. Ensure stock verification by delegation.
  23. Facilitate communication with other departments whenever necessary.
  24. Share responsibilities with the members of the department and build team spirit.

Faculty Members

  1. Prepare the academic plan / course schedule for the two semesters of the academic year with detailed unit-wise break up for the courses handled as per guidelines and decide on the prescribed reading / study material.
  2. Apportion syllabus for continuous assessment in consultation with other faculty members handling the same course.
  3. Share the course structure, question paper pattern and teaching schedule with the class at the start of the course as also the course objectives and learning outcomes.
  4. Discuss with the class and fix the testing mode and schedule of the second component.
  5. Make regular entries in the teaching diary in the prescribed format and submit it to the HoD every week.
  6. Draw up a session plan for each teaching hour.
  7. Effectively utilize the teaching hours for the benefit of the students duly adapting to the teaching methodology as may be specified for the particular course, including the use of ICT tools.
  8. Deal with the various units of the syllabus in the stipulated time frame.
  9. Abide by the leave rules of the institution.
  10. Ensure that any teaching hour lost due to leave or any other exigency is compensated by filling in the leave hours, if any, of other faculty members of the same class.
  11. Encourage and promote the use of English in all interactions within the classroom as well as on the campus.
  12. Submit to the Controller of Examinations through the HoD the question papers for continuous assessment in time.
  13. Strictly observe confidentiality regarding testing and assessment.
  14. Evaluate the CA answer sheets, return them to students for verification and discussion of answers, collect and enter the marks within the stipulated time frame.
  15. Prepare a performance-based list of students needing extra academic support and arrange for remedial classes for them.
  16. Report irregularity in attendance, observation of dress code, conduct, academic performance, non-participation in extra-curricular activities or any other deviant behaviour to the mentor concerned.
  17. As a mentor, discharge sincerely the responsibilities of guiding, supporting and directing the mentees assigned.
  18. Interact with students discreetly and with the class representative to know difficulties experienced by the students so that they can be rectified.
  19. Contribute constructively to the committees / clubs / cells to which one is assigned as
  20. Update oneself of the current developments in one’s discipline and in particular, in the courses handled by regular reference to print and online publications.
  21. Avail oneself of research opportunities.
  22. Participate in academic discussions initiated by the HoD.
  23. Cooperate with the HoD and other faculty members in the efficient running of the department and work as a team for the benefit of the students and the institution.
  24. Arrange for guest lectures, field visits and workshops whenever useful and needed in consultation with the HoD and Principal.
  25. Participate in the Board of Studies meetings in updating the existing courses or in introducing new courses.
  26. Suggest areas of modification, improvement or changes required in the curriculum.
  27. Discharge responsibly any other work specified by the HoD.
  28. Participate actively in the parent-teacher meeting to monitor the attendance and progress of the students entrusted to her.

Administrative Staff

  1. Backbone of the administration and for the smooth functioning of the college.
  2. Systematically and diligently carry out specific job responsibilities assigned.
  3. Prioritize the work scheduling and complete the same as per the directions of the Dean of Administration.
  4. Report to the Dean of Administration on every matter needing consultation / advice.

The Campus Maintenance Manager & Supervisor

  1. Supervise the maintenance of the campus.
  2. Specify duties to the support staff assigned for campus care.
  3. Collect and assess requisitions from the various departments for replacement / repairs of furniture, fixtures, etc. and pass on the list to the Administrative office for action.
  4. Purchase material for repairs and maintenance.
  5. Undertake all repairs and maintenance.

Support Staff

  1. Systematically and diligently carry out specific job responsibilities.
  2. Alert to the work environment and report on all exigencies to the immediate superior.